Cursed City is the 4th game in the new Warhammer Quest series, a great hobby product with an excellent undead city theme. It contains superb models, a nice mix of different quest types and six main boss battles. Despite a rocky launch, it was eventually expanded with two official content boxes and content from White Dwarf Magazine. Fans of the game have also been designing modifications and expansions, and i decided to collect the best ones here for reference purposes.
Nightwars (official expansion)
An official Games Workshop expansion called Night Wars brings a vampire campaign which focuses on Lady Annika, Kritza the Rat Prince and the Vampire Lord. There is also support for Radukar the Beast and fell bat models. The box comes with no miniatures included, given they are already available, and whilst this means collecting everything is going to be pretty expensive, it does mean adding this story content is initially cheaper, and of course there are many ways to proxy models. Overall this is an exciting story addition > Nightwars.
Nemesis (official expansion)
A second official Games Workshop expansion brings a confrontation with some original characters plus a wight king, necromancer, grave guard skeletons, dire wolves and vargheist crypt slayers. This box again does not contain any miniatures, which are available as separate purchases, and brings a quick end to the official boxed content which sadly never really fullfilled its full potential. The addition of new enemies new enemies is important for variety and makes this one of the better additions > Nemesis.
White Dwarf Magazine (official scenarios, enemy and hero rules)
White Dwarf issues 497 & 498 have a whole new mini campaign side mission featuring the flesh eaters as new enemies, and is a strong addition to the game if you want a new adventure and a cool alternative enemy type.
White Dwarf issue 496 has new hero rules for the Freeguild Marshal and the members of his Command Corps to take them into Ulfenkarn. A good addition if you like these free city miniatures.
White Dwarf issue 494 has an extra scenario which is in the form of a last stand against endless waves of enemies, but does not offer anything particularly special.
Warhammer Community (official hero rules)
Callis & Toll is a nice box set that adds new miniatures that can be used within Cursed City as heroes using pdf download rules here > Callis & Toll
One Man Army are rules for three buffed up heroes to take on Cursed City single handed. This is similar to rules released for Blackstone Fortress, and the heroes available are Gotrek Gurnisson, The Light of Eltharion, or Gardus Steel Soul > One Man Army
The following are new content from the fan base …
Learn to Play
Whilst this link is not a variant, Dale the Casual gamer has a great introduction tutorial which is highly recommended to help you get a grip on the basic rules > Dale the Casual Gamer
Verminhollow (adventure module)
A professional mini expansion campaign from Peter Cooper, based in the city catacombs. This is an adventure module that can be played as a one shot or a short campaign, and has comprehensive rules for skaven enemies, with a new purge journey type, encounters, crisis and event tables. It is ideal if you are looking to introduce a new theme and have skaven models, and the adventrure requires some card printing, but is not a major overhaul of your game knowledge. It is highly recommended and is covered on boardgamegeek with files on googledrive.
The Briar Queen (adventure module)
Beyond Precipice have created an expansion scenario complete with printable discovery, encounters, enemy cards and empowerments based on the Briar Queen. This is professionally put together with themed artwork and comes with its own crisis and event tables. It incorporates the mission into the existing game via a banshee encounter and then a deliverance mission before revealing the Briar Queen lair. For those that own the Underworlds warband this is another recommended addition. The main expansion file is here > Briar Queen.
Exile of Ulfenkarn (adventure module)
Peter Cooper brings the Warhammer Underworlds warband called The Exiled Dead into the game as a new set of hostiles, telling a brief story about the vampire Deintalos, and his return to Ulfenkarn in the pursuit of his unnatural experiments. This expansion content can be played either as a part of a standard campaign, or as a standalone mini-campaign of three linked journeys and has rules for all the enemies found within the warband box, which mainly has a zombie theme. This focused adventure module is covered on boardgamegeek with files on googledrive
The Beast Returns (rules, challenges & encounters)
A comprehensive modular expansion from Peter Cooper, including a reworking of core game mechanics, adding a new follow up campaign. Rules for journeys and have been adjusted, and there are many reference cards for heroes, hostiles, terrain, encounters and enemies. These not only re-write the core enemies, adding new abilities but also add new hostiles which include deathrattle skeletons, ghouls, fell bats, banshees, glaivewraiths, crypt horrors, chainrasps, vargheists, vampiric courtiers, plus necromancer and vampire prince characters. New encounters tend to use Underworlds model sets, but there are also heroes from Silver Tower and Hammerhal. This is for the hobbyist who is happy to print out lots of new cards and work with many new rules. It is covered on boardgamegeek with files on googledrive.
Campaign Streamline & Enemy Respawns (rules variant)
Two useful rule developments for the official game and its expansions from the channel Always Board Never Boring. Streamline Campaign removes some of the grind element and focuses on a narrative story where you can more easily appreciate all the main boss event scenarios, and comes with new rules for experience, fear and influence > Always Board Never Boring. Enemy Respawn is a more general change to reduce hero downtime due to slow enemy spawning in two ways, pushing hostiles in more quickly, plus there are some quick her levelling rules for one off scenarios. The video for these are here > Always Board Never Boring.
Custom Card Editor (gameplay variant)
An online card editor has been developed by Aurel Tk over at Cursed City Community Content, with the actual location of the tool at custom cards. This helps fans to produce their own hero and villain cards in an easy to use format, however it is not perfected as far as i can see in terms of printing them out.
The Hexbane Hunters are such a great warband box set and perfect for Cursed City. There are some templates for this group at custom cards, but i have added my own take on Heskel and his hound to add into the game > Hexbane Hunters.
Dungeon Crawl Journeys (gameplay variant)
Jose Zamalloa turned the hunt and scavenge missions into a random exploration deck adventure very similar to the original 1995 edition. The rules are available from facebook groups and you can also watch a video tutorial at NomadCaravan Tales. You build an exploration deck to draw from using your box exploration cards, and tiles are revealed through hero exploration actions. T junctions may split your route into different paths, and there is a secret hideout or cursed room to find, opened using a key. It also uses the destiny dice roll for ambush and counter attack effects. If you are a fan of the original Warhammer Quest game style then this is recommended.
Destiny Event Table (rules variant)
Developed by Joel Eddy (Drive Through Games) and Nicolas Picouet this adds a table to roll on while in the destiny dice phase, an idea that was added into Blackstone Fortress. This adds modifications to the game to make it harder, giving the city an extra chance to fight back. It is a quick and simple addition that requires little effort to adopt. The downloadable file > boardgamegeek.