Warhammer Underworlds warbands are one of the most versatile little boxes around. Not only do they provide expansion entry into the Underworlds combat game itself, but their usefulness as small groups, feeding into Warhammer Quest, both as enemies or heroes is so good. Warhammer really should extend their rules sets to automatically include more official rules and cross overs to their games, however given they are somewhat reluctant, it is up to fans to try and fill the gap. The standard of the models that come in these packs is usually amazing.
The prevalent witch hunter theme of Cursed City is one of my favourites, and the release of Hexbane Hunters was such a temptation to add into the game. The lead character in particular, Haskel Hexbane and his hounds are the perfect companion or alternative for Jelsen Darrock. I wanted to utilise the firebrand into his arsenal, and starting with ideas by Michael Crouchman, i incorporated a pushback movement element to simulate enemies backing off the flame of the brand in fear or wariness. In addition for the upgraded inspiration side i added the ability to sweep the brand into an adjacent enemy, which is in keeping with the way the fire would be utilised in combat. For anyone who wishes to try it, here is the file > Haskel Hexbane