Crusaders Games

Bardsung – Painting Journey (2022)


Bardsung arrived in March 2022 and became that years painting journey, which i will largely kept to a dark and gritty feel. I decided to leave the bases black as i did with Descent 2nd Edition, and am using mostly dry-brushing techniques for speedier painting. I focused my initial efforts in on a campaign story chapter, and it is worth noting that as the campaign progresses many models will represent updated versions of the enemy cards which gives variety. There is a lot of monster variety in the box with some great miniatures, and although a lot was completed, it remains an unfinished project.

Chapters 1&2 (March – April 22) – the painting begins by following the opening storyline, entering the hobgoblin camp. Here we have the Brigands flanking a stronger Reaver, and then a couple of masked ranged Raiders.
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The hulking Brutes will last a little longer in battle with more wounds, they enrage when wounded via a card flip.
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Wandering monsters are summoned by an echo mechanic and in the early chapters include the Giant Rat and Giant Spider and if you have the Fables box you can also add the Wolf Pack.
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One of the more unusual and smaller hobgoblin character models, The Butcher who appears deeper in the camp and carries a grudge.
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Onto the heroes i started playing with, Lightweaver and Dawnguard which i ended up painting with a consistent colour theme and an almost tribal look.
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The two little guys, Stoneheart the dwarf fighter in a great action post and Nightfeather the bird rogue, both very nice models. Wyldshell the druid turtle, mainly a support character and what an amazing model, worth the entry price on his own.
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Moving into the crypts we encounter other enemies such as the Shadows.
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Back to the fables box for a wandering monster, the Goblin Thief, another great model that is useful in many dungeon games
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One of the more unusual creatures, the Ettercap complete with spawning spiders from its skin, here I went for a more colourful veined look.
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 The Ettin, my favourite model version of this creature i own, such a great expressive sculpt.
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Onto some bronze mechanical constructs with the Stalking Reaver and the Predator hound which is set on a nice underground base for some reason.
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The Berserker, a ferocious looking dual wielding killer, complete with a leaping pose. 
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A Ferrous Maw scorpion creature, and Gelatenous Cube, i always wanted to have one of those for my dungeon games ! 
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The Ogre has arrived. A keep it simple paint job using a limited palette shading.
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Back in 2024 after a long break adding the Crone boss to my painted set.
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