Crusaders Games

Ashes Reborn

Ashes Reborn : Rise of the Phoenix is the 2021 relaunch of a competitive duelling card game originally from 2015, where players take the role of Phoenixborn heroes who are protectors of their world, fighting off the Chimeras and freeing humanity. It is a pre build deckbuilding game, where you select your usable cards before you begin. Your character has its own health, board limitations and unique ability, and the thirty card deck you prepare will also represents your life force energy, which once depleted will then cause fatigue wounds, bringing the end of the game closer.

Phoenixborn are spellcasters, and will have various spells in their deck to cast, along with various allies who support them, and a power conjuration of  creatures they can also bring into play. Their ability to build their battle and spell play boards comes from a mana pool, which is a set of ten dice rolled at the start of each round, utilising symbols to play, activate cards or use abilities. Rounds are quite straighforward, drawing a hand of five cards, utilising the mana symbols to pay the cost of a main action and then an optional side action each turn. Rolled dice can also be manipulated by spending cards, but this will directly reduce your energy pool, which adds an element of long term risk.

Each Phoenixborn character comes with their own pre built deck, but this can be re-constructed by the player too. Mana dice will also be selected at the start, and you will need to match the dice you plan to roll with the action symbols needed within your card pool so you can utilise them. This combination works really well, and any fan of dice and card combo games should enjoy the mechanism. Phoenixborn characters do feel different, and choosing which one you play with will create the most variation.

The game became solo or co-operative in 2023 with the lauch of Red Rains, a series of expansions which will add a Chimera opponent to play against. This transforms and broadens the game scope, bringing it onto my own radar. These enemy fights are really well done, each coming with two different attack decks which can be mixed up for extra variety, plus there are different opponent difficulty levels which adjust the Chimera health points or the number of cards drawn against you each round. The enemy response is dictated by a 12 sided dice roll, together with the general threat of an ultimate action which builds up through crystal dice being rolled each turn.

This is a really enjoyable solo game, fighting the chimera with a mix of dice rolling, manipulation and card playing, whilst also uncovering the way the different heroes play. The artwork throughout is really neat, the white background to the cards looking clean and classy with great drawings. Unlike most deck builders this game gives a true feeling that the enemy is fighting back against you. Collecting all the expansions can be expensive but I was fortunate to buy a job lot which helped, however just the core set plus the Corpse of Viros solo expansion will give you a lot of gameplay variety.



There are many expansions you can add to enhance or change the gameplay from which i have collected the themes i like the best (my additions highlighted green = ownblue = part ownedred = not purchased) :

Deluxe Boxes

The more expensive deluxe expansions come with a new Phoenixborn plus a new set of dice and a premium deck box holder. These are Law of Lions (righteous), Song of Soaksend (music), and Breaker of Fate (time). These are ways to add new pheonixborn characters while also varying your magic dice pool combinations.

Character Boxes

There are numerous single Phoenixborn deck boxes bringing new decks to the game but using existing dice available, and are great lower cost additions where you can pick the theme and artwork you like. There are four that only require the core set : Frostdale Giants (ice), Duchess of Deception (harlequin), Children of Blackcloud (rogue), Roaring Rose (psyche). The next ones use the dice from the Lions expansions: King of Titans (dinosaur), Grave King (necromancer), Spirits of Memoria (celestial), Masters of Gravity (cosmic), Goddess of Ishra (eurasian) and then ones using Soaksend: Ghost Guardian (spirits), Boy among Wolves (nature), Demons of Darmas (vampire), Protector of Argaia (mind control), and using the time dice from Breaker of Fate: Queen of Lightening (storm), Gorrenrock Survivors (fire), Oceans Guard (oceanic), Scholar of Ruin (ceremonial), Artist of Dreams (dreamscape), Messenger of Peace (meditation)

Red Rains

These are solo or co-operative Chimera battle sets which contain an enemy with two different decks to fight or mix together, plus a new usable phoenixborn deck and 4 different phoenixborn cards. The original and main expansion set called Corpse of Viros (serpent) comes with the solo rules, board and dice so start here first. Follow up sets are slightly cheaper and contain a new enemy and a new player deck each Frostwild Scourge (storm giant), Blight of Neverset (plant), Seige of Lordswall (zombie horde), Spawn of Shadowreck (spider) and coming in 2025 Flood of Mooncove (aquatic).  As a solo player, these are important additions for me and in total seven different chimeras are planned. Given these packs contain both an enemy to fight and a new deck with 4 phoenixborn options i personally think these are the best expansions.