I bought this game back on its original release in 1995 and collected almost all the expansions at the time. I have not showcased any of it on my website before, given it was painted so long ago. However this year i have decided to undertake a painting journey on this classic game, touching up or repainting models as i see the need, as there are elements i want to improve on this set. So here is my updated collection of the official box expansions as i work through them.
Trollslayer & Bretonnian Knight – with the release of Old World i was inspired to revisit my knight as his paint job was not up to scratch by my current standards. The crazy dwarf was a more recent addition to my set, purchased in 2016 and was already comparative to my current style.
Pit Fighter & Chaos Knight – the pit fighter needed some improvement work in this revisit. The knight had already been repainted in red armour in 2020 for an adventure in Hammerhal.
Elf Ranger & Wardancer – these are my originals from 1995 that were surprisingly elaborate, although i was using white undercoat, metallic paint and was not really shading, but I still like them as they are.
Witch Hunter & Imperial Noble – the caped crusaders, which i felt only needed minor tweaks this time around.
Warrior Priest – the Priest also needed improving, shown with my early Trollslayer model before i finally bought the proper expansion.
Lair of the Orc Lord – the first box adventure expansion that needed a complete repaint, and probably my favourite game expansion of all time
Catacombs of Terror – the second box adventure expansion that also saw a lot of repainting
All complete, time to work on my roleplay book enemies ….